

prostate cancer

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opinion: canadian healthcare choke points put patient lives at risk

canada’s healthcare system is strained. it was always strained. it was designed that way.
dr. david j stewart
nov 16 2023

crowdfunding cancer charity hopes to help innovative new therapies escape ‘valley of death’

as the arrival of liver cancer awareness month calls much-needed attention to another worthy cause, a former researcher is trying to change the way we wage war on the disease.
dave yasvinski
oct 2 2023

record-breaking wildfires raise questions about health impact on canadians

as the wildfire season breaks records year after year, experts warn even canadians in traditionally unaffected areas need to learn how to protect themselves from smoke inhalation.
dave yasvinski
aug 10 2023

nahid acupuncture clinic offers traditional chinese and laser treatments in saskatoon

nahid mobini, who was a medical doctor in iran and an acupuncturist in china before moving to saskatoon, has opened an acupuncture clinic on 8th street
don rice
jul 25 2023

local health providers marking world hepatitis day with free testing

the windsor essex community health centre and partner o...
taylor campbell
jul 25 2023

cornwall woman's family pleads for 'miracle' drug to treat her cystic fibrosis

twenty-five-year-old chanelle lafleche has to stop and ...
elizabeth payne
jul 24 2023

operation eyesight expands life-changing efforts at home and in africa

calgary businessman art jenkyns met dr. ben gullison, a...
david parker
jul 24 2023



how i care for prostate cancer: 'not every day has to be a good day'

natalie wild’s life changed suddenly when her husband stefan was diagnosed with stage iii prostate cancer at age 44, just one year into their marriage.
maja begovic
sep 6 2023

what it feels like: 'watching and waiting' while living with prostate cancer

when their father passed away from prostate cancer, it prompted anthony henry and his brother to begin regular screening for the disease. the decision likely saved their lives.
karen hawthorne
jul 11 2023

procure is helping prostate cancer patients through some of the darkest days of their lives

laurent proulx, ceo of procure, on what men need to know about getting tested and navigating treatment for prostate cancer.
dave yasvinski
jul 5 2023

understanding prostate cancer in canada: risk factors, screening and treatment options

prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among men in canada (excluding non-melanoma skin cancers) and the third leading cause of cancer deaths for this group.
dave yasvinski
jul 5 2023

this expert says prostate cancer is a normal part of the aging process for men, like 'grey hair and wrinkles.' but there are still barriers to care

dr. neil fleshner, an oncologist and researcher with toronto's university health network, says that although research and new treatments are turning prostate cancer into a chronic illness, over-diagnosis, over-treatment and social inequities remain challenges.
karen hawthorne
jun 23 2023

genetic profiling can help reduce missed prostate cancer diagnoses

measuring prostate-specific antigen levels based on a person's genetics could cut down on unnecessary biopsies as well as catch aggressive forms of prostate cancer.
dave yasvinski
jun 7 2023

