

women's health

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opinion: canadian healthcare choke points put patient lives at risk

canada’s healthcare system is strained. it was always strained. it was designed that way.
dr. david j stewart
nov 16 2023

crowdfunding cancer charity hopes to help innovative new therapies escape ‘valley of death’

as the arrival of liver cancer awareness month calls much-needed attention to another worthy cause, a former researcher is trying to change the way we wage war on the disease.
dave yasvinski
oct 2 2023

record-breaking wildfires raise questions about health impact on canadians

as the wildfire season breaks records year after year, experts warn even canadians in traditionally unaffected areas need to learn how to protect themselves from smoke inhalation.
dave yasvinski
aug 10 2023

nahid acupuncture clinic offers traditional chinese and laser treatments in saskatoon

nahid mobini, who was a medical doctor in iran and an acupuncturist in china before moving to saskatoon, has opened an acupuncture clinic on 8th street
don rice
jul 25 2023

local health providers marking world hepatitis day with free testing

the windsor essex community health centre and partner o...
taylor campbell
jul 25 2023

cornwall woman's family pleads for 'miracle' drug to treat her cystic fibrosis

twenty-five-year-old chanelle lafleche has to stop and ...
elizabeth payne
jul 24 2023

operation eyesight expands life-changing efforts at home and in africa

calgary businessman art jenkyns met dr. ben gullison, a...
david parker
jul 24 2023




estrogen vs. progesterone: have perimenopause treatments been wrong all along?

a breakthrough study shows the hormone progesterone, taken in capsule form at bedtime daily, is an effective way to decrease night sweats and improve sleep for perimenopausal women.
karen hawthorne
jul 21 2023

parkinson’s disease risk goes up with the removal of ovaries

researchers have long suspected that sex- or gender-related issues play a role in parkinson’s because the disease manifests twice as frequently in women as in men.
dave yasvinski
mar 28 2023

hotflash inc: dementia in women is linked to hundreds of possible causes, but lifestyle changes seem like the best shot at prevention

some research points to hormone replacement therapy as possibly protective against dementia, but until we know for sure, why not simply focus on healthy habits like walking, lowering stress and eating better?
ann marie mcqueen
feb 17 2023

uterine fibroids: do you know the signs?

between 20 and 40 per cent of women in canada have fibroids, but many never experience symptoms.
dave yasvinski
jan 10 2023

hotflash inc: we joke about menopause, but the health risks aren't funny

from frozen shoulder and diabetes to serious cardiovascular issues, menopause symptoms are no laughing matter.
ann marie mcqueen
jan 4 2023

hotflash inc.: hormone replacement therapy 'is not a panacea for total happiness and bliss'

there is a concerted effort to medicalize menopause, focusing on hormone therapy as a silver bullet, rather than something to be used in combination with other lifestyle changes.
ann marie mcqueen
dec 21 2022



sponsored - hyperthyroidism



breast cancer screening before age 50 linked to better survival rates: study

this latest study joins the growing body of evidence that earlier access to breast cancer screening translates to better health outcomes.
emma jones
aug 4 2023

estrogen vs. progesterone: have perimenopause treatments been wrong all along?

a breakthrough study shows the hormone progesterone, taken in capsule form at bedtime daily, is an effective way to decrease night sweats and improve sleep for perimenopausal women.
karen hawthorne
jul 21 2023

doctor's orders: how to treat endometriosis

while there isn't a known way to prevent endometriosis, ottawa's dr. sony singh says he can help patients manage symptoms.
karen hawthorne
jul 6 2023

doctor’s orders: when to get help for a yeast infection

dr. vanessa poliquin, obgyn and infectious disease expert at the university of manitoba, explains why antibiotic use, sexual activity, and washing 'up there' with soap can increase the risk of a yeast infection or vaginal irritation — and what to do if you think something's not right.
karen hawthorne
jun 20 2023

watch: more hope than ever for migraine patients — but misinformation still creates barriers to treatment

the past five to ten years have seen an explosion in treatment options for migraines — but why do only a minority of patients have access?
emma jones
jun 13 2023

you may have hypothyroidism without knowing it: here’s what to look for

ignoring the signs and symptoms of thyroid disease can present myriad health risks for canadians unknowingly suffering from hypothyroidism
tania amardeil, postmedia content works
jun 5 2023

