

mental health

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advocacy group takes on the task of improving mental health of older canadians

expanded clinical guidelines on social isolation and loneliness, anxiety and depression are aimed at increasing support, connection and improving quality of life for the fastest-growing segment of our society.
dave yasvinski, nov 24 2023



depression in canada: stats, impact and resources

according to statistics canada, since 1990, mental disorders have accounted for “14 per cent of years of life lost due to disability.”
angelica bottaro
nov 13 2023

nurse burnout and shortages: attention turns to mental health and skill development programs

emergency departments and intensive care were both heavily hit with nurses leaving positions and leaving the profession during the pandemic and its aftermath.
karen hawthorne
nov 3 2023

machado: glass children, glass adults — when illness makes us invisible

people who become the collateral damage of illness need a safe place to leave the hard feelings and dark emotions like anger, guilt and the sense of unfairness of being stuck with an enormous responsibility that they never signed up for.
lisa machado
oct 28 2023

how to check in on the mental health of our loved ones

here’s how you can start conversations about mental health with those around you.
laura tennant
oct 13 2023

une organisation pancanadienne met en lumière la santé mentale des aînés

le bien-être mental et émotionnel est important, quelle que soit l’étape de la vie dans laquelle vous vous trouvez.
coalition canadienne pour la santé mentale des personnes âgées (ccsmpa)
oct 3 2023

machado: should we be treating 'easier' chronic cancers in community hospitals?

not everyone has access to the expertise, skill and connection to research that can be found at centres of excellence, but they should.
lisa machado
oct 2 2023

