

alzheimer's disease

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opinion: i wasn't completely surprised by a dementia diagnosis at 48, but i was shocked by the lack of support

despite the serious impacts of young-onset dementia, awareness is low compared to dementia in seniors, resulting in delayed diagnoses, a lack of support systems, and few resources for individuals and their families.
john mccaffery, board member and volunteer, youquest, nov 13 2023

around the network

opinion: canadian healthcare choke points put patient lives at risk

canada’s healthcare system is strained. it was always strained. it was designed that way.
dr. david j stewart
nov 16 2023

crowdfunding cancer charity hopes to help innovative new therapies escape ‘valley of death’

as the arrival of liver cancer awareness month calls much-needed attention to another worthy cause, a former researcher is trying to change the way we wage war on the disease.
dave yasvinski
oct 2 2023

record-breaking wildfires raise questions about health impact on canadians

as the wildfire season breaks records year after year, experts warn even canadians in traditionally unaffected areas need to learn how to protect themselves from smoke inhalation.
dave yasvinski
aug 10 2023

nahid acupuncture clinic offers traditional chinese and laser treatments in saskatoon

nahid mobini, who was a medical doctor in iran and an acupuncturist in china before moving to saskatoon, has opened an acupuncture clinic on 8th street
don rice
jul 25 2023

local health providers marking world hepatitis day with free testing

the windsor essex community health centre and partner o...
taylor campbell
jul 25 2023

cornwall woman's family pleads for 'miracle' drug to treat her cystic fibrosis

twenty-five-year-old chanelle lafleche has to stop and ...
elizabeth payne
jul 24 2023

operation eyesight expands life-changing efforts at home and in africa

calgary businessman art jenkyns met dr. ben gullison, a...
david parker
jul 24 2023



doctor's orders: alzheimer’s disease can be slowed with proper treatment and research

“alzheimer’s disease is not a normal part of aging. and knowing about it early is helpful because it empowers the person living with the disease," dr. roger wong says.
karen hawthorne
sep 18 2023

what it feels like: 'don't give up' on life with alzheimer's disease

when craig burns was caring for his mother, who had alzheimer’s disease, he had no idea at the time that he was getting a unique insight into his own future.
robin roberts
sep 11 2023

machado: is it wrong to lie to someone with dementia?

it may feel deceitful or disrespectful, but therapeutic fibbing can make communication and care easier, allowing the caregiver to join their loved one's skewed reality while preserving their peace and dignity.
lisa machado
aug 14 2023

can a walk a day keep dementia at bay?

walking may help strengthen connections between brain networks, including those implicated in cognitive functioning and alzheimer’s disease.
dave yasvinski
may 29 2023

alzheimer’s disease proteins reduced by sleep aid

researchers say that while the findings aren't reason enough to take sleep medication every night, they call the study data "encouraging."
dave yasvinski
apr 25 2023

alzheimer's screening could be part of your next eye exam

detection of brain diseases, like alzheimer's, before symptoms appear has researchers excited about the potential to slow, or even stop, progression.
karen hawthorne
mar 31 2023

