
teacher accused of raping student driving her car because she was 'too drunk to drive'

a former high school teacher in idaho was arrested duri...

a former high school teacher in idaho was arrested during a traffic stop and accused of raping the boy behind the wheel == because she was too intoxicated to drive.
jessica lawson, 36, and the teenage student were pulled over earlier this month when police noticed a taillight was out.

the boy allegedly told police he was driving because lawson was “too drunk to drive,” according to court documents obtained by the idaho state journal .

police claim the boy admitted to having marijuana, the report stated.
later that day, police received a 911 call from the boy’s parents, who accused lawson, a former teacher at south fremont high school in st. anthony, of picking up their son around 11 p.m. the previous night and taking him to her home.
the teen reportedly told his parents that lawson got drunk and got high on marijuana before they had sex, and later told police the same thing during an interview.

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lawson admitted to having pot in her home but said she did not give it to the boy.
she also denied that “anything else had occurred.”
lawson was charged with two counts of rape of a male child between the ages of 16 and 17, delivery of a controlled sentence and a misdemeanor count of dispensing an alcoholic beverage to a minor, according to the report.



she is currently being held in custody on $250,000 bond.
denette wilford
denette wilford

denette wilford is a multimedia journalist at the toronto sun. she began her career at tv guide canada before going freelance for more than a decade, writing for huffington post, food network, etalk, hgtv, 24 hours toronto, and raptors, leafs and toronto fc magazines until landing at the sun, where aside from writing anything and everything, she also brings you your midday sun newsletter every weekday.

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