
wisconsin teacher, 75, sentenced 10 years for sexually assaulting student, 14

a 75-year-old teacher was sentenced to 10 years in pris...

a 75-year-old teacher was sentenced to 10 years in prison by a wisconsin judge for repeatedly sexually assaulting a 14-year-old student several years ago. anne nelson-koch, who was also sentenced to 15 years of supervision, was found guilty in july on 25 counts during a jury trial.
she faced a possible sentence of more than 600 years in custody, broken down to 373 years of confinement and 251 on supervised release.
the offences included 12 counts of sexual assault of a child, four counts of child enticement — sexual conduct, eight counts of exposing intimate parts to a child, and one count of intimidating a victim.
monroe county circuit court judge richard radcliffe said nelson-koch abused her position of power, but ultimately decided her character was a mitigating factor at her sentencing hearing, which was far below the 24-32 years in prison and 20-24 years of extended supervision sought by prosecutors, reports the milwaukee journal sentinel.
nelson-koch repeatedly forced the child to engage in oral and anal sex in the basement of a tomah private school during the 2016-17 school year.
the victim recalled having sexual intercourse with the teacher four separate times, and said the assaults ended when she left the school.
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“the victim of these crimes is an incredibly brave young man,” assistant district attorney sarah m. skiles said at the time of the conviction in a press release. “he spoke the truth, and the jury heard him loud and clear. we are so grateful to the jury for their dedication to finding the truth. we could not have achieved this outcome without the victim’s strength.”
while nelson-koch didn’t contact the student after leaving the school, the two saw each other at a walmart at a later date. she then sent him a christmas card.
after they began attending the same church, the victim went to police in december 2021 and described the abuse that he suffered.
investigators charged nelson-koch in april 2022.


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