
when and where to find christmas markets in calgary this holiday season

believe it or not, christmas will be here in a blink of...

believe it or not, christmas will be here in a blink of an eye. it’s time to get prepared and get ahead of the gift-giving season. luckily, there are many local markets that can help you check off gifts for everyone on your list.
we’ve put together a number of these events that you should check out that will help you during your holiday shopping.

once upon a christmas

experience christmas magic at heritage park with festive displays of once upon a christmas. attendees can also enjoy classic indoor and outdoor christmas activities for the whole family, including wagon ride, santa visits, crafts, music, entertainment and more.
for tickets and more information, visit heritage park’s website.
where: heritage park (1900 heritage drive s.w.)
when: nov. 25-26, dec. 2-3, 9-10, 16-17
admission: child (3-15) – $14.95 general (16+) – $19.95

mainstreet holiday market

enjoy local vendors, local food and a holiday photo booth featuring free digital photos.
for more information, visit the event listing.
where: 6404 bowness road n.w.
when: dec. 16-17
admission: n/a
 christmas noel market was photographed before its opening at bmo centre on friday, december 11, 2020.
christmas noel market was photographed before its opening at bmo centre on friday, december 11, 2020. azin ghaffari/postmedia

christmas at the nation

support indigenous and local artists and businesses at the third annual christmas on the nation holiday market. the market is set to feature over 150 indigenous and local artists.
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“artisans and makers promise to amaze you with their talents and appreciate your commitment to supporting local. find the perfect gift for someone on your list or treat yourself with a beautiful little treasure. don’t miss out on the warmth and welcome of the people of the tsuut’ina nation,” reads an event listing.
for more information and a schedule of events, visit the market’s website.
where: seven chiefs sportsplex and chief jim starlight centre (19 bullhead road, priddis, alta.)
when: dec. 15-17
admission: $8, 12 and under are free

market collective

this family-friendly event is back at the bmo and features live music, interactive workshops, galleries, drinks, food and more than 150 local vendors.
for more information, visit market collective’s website.
where: bmo centre (20 roundup way s.e.)
when: dec. 8-10
admission: $7, 12 and under are free

granary road’s christmas market

take in christmas carols, decorated trees, lights and festive photos with santa and the alpacas during this year’s market. attendees can also check out santa’s workshop for gingerbread cookies, ornaments, hot chocolate, tractor rides and more.
food bank donations are welcomed.
for more information, visit granary road’s website.
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where: granary road (226066 112th street west)
when: nov. 25 – dec. 17
admission: free
 sofia abraham, 5, checks out christmas gnomes at the spruce meadows international christmas market on sunday, november 19, 2023.
sofia abraham, 5, checks out christmas gnomes at the spruce meadows international christmas market on sunday, november 19, 2023. darren makowichuk / darren makowichuk/postmedia

university district night market — holiday edition

local artisan vendors, outdoor skating, a heated igloo and live entertainment are on offer for holiday editions of the night market at university district in northwest calgary.
where: central commons park, university district (4011 university ave. n.w.)
when: nov. 30 and dec. 7, from 5 to 9 p.m.
admission: n/a


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