
sponsored - cancer

abondance d’idées fausses sur le mélanome et augmentation des diagnostics au canada

la campagne de sensibilisation fournit des ressources pour aider les canadiens à reconnaître les signes et symptômes possibles, à encourager les contrôles réguliers de la peau et à s’engager dans la prévention.
linda white, postmedia content works
dec 11, 2024

toronto doctor improving support for younger women diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer

dr. geoffrey watson is the recipient of a 2023 quality improvement grant to support the educational needs of younger mbc patients under the age of 40
denise deveau, postmedia content works
jan 08, 2024

patients’ lived experience: a valuable disease expert voice

livia ujj turned her ovarian cancer diagnosis into a way to help drive patient-centred research and support
wendy haaf, postmedia content works
sep 01, 2023

“i felt like this was something that happened to older men”

a fit triathlete in midlife, don konantz never imagined he’d face a diagnosis of advanced prostate cancer. a decade later, he’s an advocate for staying on top of your prostate health.
denise deveau, postmedia content works
jun 15, 2023
powered by
canadian digestive health foundation
powered by
migraine canada

abondance d’idées fausses sur le mélanome et augmentation des diagnostics au canada

la campagne de sensibilisation fournit des ressources pour aider les canadiens à reconnaître les signes et symptômes possibles, à encourager les contrôles réguliers de la peau et à s’engager dans la prévention.
linda white, postmedia content works
dec 11, 2024

toronto doctor improving support for younger women diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer

dr. geoffrey watson is the recipient of a 2023 quality improvement grant to support the educational needs of younger mbc patients under the age of 40
denise deveau, postmedia content works
jan 08, 2024

patients’ lived experience: a valuable disease expert voice

livia ujj turned her ovarian cancer diagnosis into a way to help drive patient-centred research and support
wendy haaf, postmedia content works
sep 01, 2023

“i felt like this was something that happened to older men”

a fit triathlete in midlife, don konantz never imagined he’d face a diagnosis of advanced prostate cancer. a decade later, he’s an advocate for staying on top of your prostate health.
denise deveau, postmedia content works
jun 15, 2023
powered by
canadian digestive health foundation
